PharmaForum 2023 – Review
On 16th March 2023, this year’s PharmaForum took place at the Rheingoldhalle Mainz, providing an excellent platform for scientists, developers, and representatives of innovative pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and medical technology companies from the region to exchange ideas and network. The focus this year was on medical biotechnology as a key industry.
The event was jointly opened by Ms. Minister of Economic Affairs Daniela Schmitt and Mr. Minister of Science and Health Clemens Hoch. Experts, including Dr. Frauke Pohlki (AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG), Dr. Bayram Cucu (Bio-Gram Diagnostics GmbH), Prof. Dr. Frank Behrens (Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology), and Dr. Kai Dittmann (Roche Deutschland Holding GmbH) provided insights into today’s and tomorrow’s medical biotechnology, covering various disease detection methods to innovative therapeutic approaches. The panel discussion on the necessary framework for the future featured contributions from Professor Dr. Dr. Ulrike Köhl, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), Mr. Han Steutel, President of the Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies – vfa, and Mr. Martin Schneider, Head of the State Representations Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, Association of Substitute Health Funds – vdek.
The PharmaForum attracted several hundred participants from across the industry, including experts, executives, scientists, and representatives from federal institutions. Alongside the presentations and panel discussions, the PharmaForum offered participants the opportunity to network, establish new contacts, and explore the latest products and technologies in the pharmaceutical industry.
Overall, the PharmaForum was a successful event, bringing together experts from the entire pharmaceutical industry and providing them with an opportunity to exchange ideas on the latest developments and challenges in the field.
Represented at the event were the Technology Transfer Office of the University Medical Center Mainz (Dr. Matthias Schwabe) and the Medical Device Innovation Center of the University Medical Center Mainz, funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Rhineland-Palatinate (Project Management: Dr. med. Michael Hopp, IZKS Mainz), with a joint information stand. “I personally found the response and exchange at the event extremely positive and I am thrilled with the great interest surrounding the important topic of health research and medical progress. I am looking forward to further collaboration with the experts,” said Dr. Michael Hopp, Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Studies (IZKS) Mainz and the Medical Device Innovation Center (MIC).