Review of the 7th MDR Forum in Rhineland-Palatinate
On 12th October 2023, the medical technology industry gathered at the Landesmuseum Mainz to attend the 7th MDR Forum with the theme “Chancen erkennen, Herausforderungen dynamisch meistern: Mit MDR/IVDR die Zukunft gestalten” (“Recognising Opportunities, Dynamically Mastering Challenges: Shaping the Future with MDR/IVDR”). This forum has long established itself as an indispensable event.
This year’s forum placed a strong emphasis on the current developments and challenges in implementing the MDR and IVDR, especially in the context of medical product software and AI. Expert presentations and stimulating discussion sessions not only provided valuable insights to the attendees but also offered practical information on complying with these regulatory requirements.
The participants were enthusiastic and emphasised the quality of the presentations, as well as the opportunity to engage in lively conversations with leading industry experts.
In close collaboration with the Ministries of Economics, Transportation, Agriculture and Viticulture, as well as Science and Health in Rhineland-Palatinate, the IZKS of the University Medical Center Mainz, the Department of Technology Transfer at the University Medical Center Mainz, and InnoNet HealthEconomy e.V., this impressive forum was planned and executed.
Additionally, the Medical Device Innovation Center (MIC) of the IZKS enriched the event, serving as a competent partner in a supportive and advisory role for manufacturers and researchers in the field of medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics. This underscores the close networking and commitment of various stakeholders in Rheinland-Pfalz to bolster the medical technology industry. The 7th MDR Forum was undoubtedly a significant milestone that contributed to the enhancement and development of the medical technology sector in Rhineland-Palatinate.